As The Word's Grow
Writing's And Poetry
God's Angels
Let God hold you in His arms feel his love come into your soul.
As it is time for your heart to expand filled with His love to be whole.
Pray and ask him to reveal what is the answer He will give.
The first step you must take is to be sure you are able to forgive.
Remember he does not always answer the way that we wish.
So open your ears and listen to what God does commish.
It might not be the answer that we wished to hear.
God knows what best that we need made clear.
There are angels in heaven there are angels on earth.
God sends us angels to help in all His work.
So open your eyes and your heart to God for his support.
Some angels stay around for life some only for a short.
When there job done that angel goes away.
They will be replaced by another one that very same day.
It could be a stranger,a neighbor or dear friend.
A sister or brother,mother or father that He recommend.
Remember to thank God for all His angels at hand.
He does have them placed all over this land.
We are blessed with His angels all around us as friends.
These are the ones he does let us see and commends.
Others are hidden but they still do there jobs.
Listen to the answers that are heard above our sobs.
A angel is here from God in answer to our prayers.
God has sent us a special friend a angel who cares.
Oh how blessed I am for Him sending me my best friend.
God's true love for us He does so extend.
I thank Him each and every day for sending you my way.
He gave me one of his angels in you this very day.
So pray for God's guidance but let Him guide.
God knows what we want before we even before we confide.
His answers are always there for our prayer needs.
We just need to listen with open hearts to His creeds.
©Rosemary Mc Lean
April 24/2007
A Soldier's Return
The soldiers by many leave to go away but not for a day.
They leave their family's and love ones because they can not stay.
Off to the war they travel , they help other country's and save ours too.
Leaving behind all their family, friends, neighbors and loved ones they knew.
With our broken hearts we must say goodbye and bid them all farewell.
Our soldiers departure sure breaks our heart as is just so personal.
As days,month and years go by so we keep hope and prayers for them.
Please dear Lord keep them safe and send them back home to us Amen.
Though broken hearted to leave behind the other comrades still doing their part.
God has plans for you to do,In future He wants you home for another start.
Remember you have made your loved ones and country so proud.
Now we must pray for all soldiers who are fighting this war that's vowed.
Pray the fighting gets done so all will come back to their loved ones.
God has guided you back home, lets pray no need for anymore guns.
So we give the Lord thanks for your safe return to home.
This trusting place you held in your heart a place you could relax and roam.
Is kept by you soldiers in all that you do for our country's to be so grand.
With love in our hearts and smiles on our faces we welcome you back firsthand.
So with great adoration we join in your celebration.
As we give God thanks for your generation.
Welcome home once again with open hearts and arms we do extend.
Our love with joy burst forth as your home coming we do comprehend.
We all celebrate in our hearts for all soldiers with prestige,glory,and honor.
Our troops we do support USA and Canada,so pray they all turn that safe corner.
©Rosemary Mc Lean
April 26/2007
Music is "Nights In White Satin"

